29 April 2009

The Hair Angels

Yes! They're here and they are ready to GET RID OF HAIR LICE!!!!
This new company needs a big shout out and A LOT of google hits!
Help them out, support my fabulous clients, their new site will be launching soon... I can proudly say that I was the key designer on this new site (thanks to a great template from Blu too).
Be sure to search for The Hair Angels and see their new site in the next few weeks at www.thehairangels.com
Congratulations Hilary and Michelle!!! I am very excited for both of you and your new business!

16 April 2009


YEAH!!! We're busy and L O V I N' it! Thank you to all of our clients, this year has really started off great here at HK Creations!

Currently we are working on a few projects including web design, using our famous Blu templates and making them even more amazing! We are in the process of a winery site and are contracted out to do two more sites by May! This is SO exciting! 

And a BIG shout out to JL Photography and her new logo! It's awesome, I love it (but then again I am biased, ... just patting myself on the back here!).

Thanks again for working with HK Creations and be sure to REFER YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Happy Day!